Tutorial: make a Nintendo DS pouch part one

Little Miss and Master World have saved up (since last Christmas) for a Nintendo DSI.  Through gritted teeth I let them buy one.  Argh! I swore I wouldn't let them have game consoles, however there are rules to when and where they can have them, and I'm SO proud of them for not grumbling or questioning the rules.  They've recently been on holiday and I wanted to make them each a pouch for carrying their DSI's in.  Now this is the first tutorial I have written so please forgive me if I've not been clear enough or on the other hand over explained.

Please be kind and only use this tutorial for your own personal use and not for selling, I work hard creating things and although I love spending hours at my sewing machine, please remember these are my designs.

I started with using a fleece, which Master World had outgrown, and some interfacing to stiffen the fabric.  Now I don't know if there's a right or wrong way to do things but this is how I constructed the pouch.  Cut 2 pieces of interfacing 19cm x 13cm and 1qty 11cm x 13cm.  I ironed these onto the fabric and then cut out.

Take the 2 larger pieces and 'right sides' together, stitch around the outside, cutting away any excess.  Next I made the strap from 2 pieces cut from the arm, stiched them together to form one long piece, roughly 70cm x 7cm.

Iron the edge in from each long side of the strap, to make two 'good' edges, fold in half and stitch together using zig-zag stitches.  Position one end of the strap to the inside of the pouch, and fold down the edge whilst sewing to keep the edges neat.  Stitch the strap to the pouch in a rectangle shape.

Stitch both sides of the strap to the bag, and thats the main construction of the pouch.  Next part is to create the lining, and following on from that is attaching the front flap with button closure.

If you fancy having a go, let me know and I'll show off your pouches at the end of tutorial.  I'd also love to hear your comments on the tutorial.

Part two of the tutorial will be posted next week. 
As I have already made my kids pouches I shall giveaway the pouch I've used for this tutorial at the end. 

Happy stitching.... Marice :0)


Sue, Lynwoodcrafts said...

Great idea for a tutorial - and very clearly written. Good idea to split it over two weeks.


maricesworld said...

Thank you Sue, phew I can relax now that you've said it's clearly written...I do feel I ramble on sometimes tee hee :0)

Shsjndkdns said...

Hi there Marice, what a lovely blog you have here, and a great tutorial!
I hope you decide to join the 52MMC, it will be lots of fun I'm sure!
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog.